Sunday, February 27, 2011

Hypnosis To End Procrastination

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Procrastination is a serious problem that can ruin both personal and professional life of an individual but hypnosis can address the problem at the root level and help overcome by building self-belief and boosting confidence thus helping the person to lead a normal life.

Procrastination is a common problem that has been faced by all of us at some point of life or the other and in simplest terms is referred to the counter-productive deferring of scheduled tasks to a later time. This kind of behaviour is often associated with anxiety and fear for the mechanism of coping to complete the task in time and this leads to serious complication in day to day professional life and the individual tends to suffer for it.

Hypnosis has been known to treat procrastination will success as it has been seen that it results in severe depression, an overwhelming sense of guilt and a severe mental crisis and a poor sense of personal esteem as it automatically leads to social disapproval for not being able to deal with responsibilities and commitments!

Hypnosis can be used to increase personal productivity and treat procrastination, as the causes of it can be anything from psychological to even physiological in some case. The psychological causes may vary greatly from person to person and can be extremely deep-seated for some person.

It may be a result of any unpleasant experience in life that has given rise to feeling of low esteem or a self-defeating mentality. In some cases procrastination is also associated with a sense of perfectionism which ultimately gives rise to the fear and stops him from performing. Hypnosis can be successfully used to build confidence and thus help him get rid of the problems.

Studies have shown that damage or low activation in the prefrontal cortex of the brain often results in poorer organization and less attention and thus results in procrastination. Hypnosis works on the root causes causing it. It will help you develop and improve esteem in yourself.

You can be productive and fearless and your mind set will gradually change and it will impart in you a more winning mind set which give you a new confidence in you. Also it will help you to come to terms with your real self and will encourage you to set realistic goals and you can be more positive and set realistic goals for yourself. Once you start setting specific, measurable and achievable goals you which you can accomplish in a certain time frame, you whole attitude will change.

Hypnosis will encourage the subject to consider the tasks allotted to be broken down into smaller achievable tasks which will be easier to accomplish. It will give you the power to build up your self-belief and confidence and over the barriers that hold you back from achieving your goals.


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