Thursday, March 3, 2011

Self Hypnosis Script For Positive Affirmations and Achieving Goals

Positive affirmations are commonly used in hypnosis to help the subconscious mind take on a certain suggestion. The idea is that with constant repetition you will begin to believe that something is true. As the saying goes, “If you say something often enough it becomes true”.

Creating a good positive affirmation is simple. Think of something you wish was true about yourself and fashion a phrase or multiple phrases around it. For example, if you wish to become a more confident person you might use the positive affirmations below.

“I feel comfortable around other people.”
“My value is appreciated by everyone.”
“I am a calm, confident person.”

While positive affirmations can be effective repeated to yourself normally, I find that they work much better as suggestions during a hypnotic trance which is why I have created this script for use with affirmations and achieving goals.

The idea for this script was inspired by a recent article at HypnoBusters, How To Achieve Your Goals which you may want to read before learning this self hypnosis script.


Direction: Find a warm, comfortable place where you can relax and not be disturbed for around fifteen minutes. This script is to be read slowly and deliberately

Begin by trying to roll your eyes back up into forehead and keep them there. You will quickly begin to feel your eyes feeling heavy and tired. Hold your eyes in this position for as long as you can before they simply have to close.

Now, with your eyes closed, take a deep breath in through your nose and out through your nose. Notice how the air feels cold as it hits your nostrils on inhalation and warm as you exhale. Build a rhythm of slow, deep breathing.

Begin to visualize yourself in the third person, as if you are having an outer body experience. You look calm and perfectly relaxed. Your breathing is steady and your body is loose and limp. Focus entirely on yourself, in this visualization you are the only thing that matters. There is no background or any other objects to distract you. Just your own body in this peaceful state.

You start to feel yourself moving down. Visually it is hard to tell that you are moving down, but you get that unmistakable feeling that your body is sinking ever downwards towards something that you cannot yet see. As your body is taken down you begin to feel a warmth in your stomach. This warmth spreads all throughout your body.

It is now you realize that you are back in your own body, no longer looking on from afar. No sooner have you noticed that you are back inside your body but you also notice that the darkness around you has lifted and you are now laid back in a hammock that supports your body and sways gently in the warm breeze. As you look around you realize you are at a beach, but not just any beach. This is the most beautiful beach you could possibly imagine. The sea is a clear, crystal blue, the sand is a golden yellow and there is just a few white whispy clouds floating in the sky. The warmth of the sun radiates all over your body…you are the only person on your own personal dream beach.

Ideal Beach

As you bask in the beauty all around you, it is time to repeat your positive affirmations to yourself – whatever they be.

(Repeat your affirmations around twenty times. There is no need to count, just stop when you feel the time is right.)

I would now like you to spend some type thinking about what actions you are going to take to achieve your goal. Positive thinking is important, but without taking action thoughts are just thoughts. To breath life into them you must take action. So think about what you are actually going to do to make your affirmations come true.

(For the confidence example used above you could take acting classes, talk to people in situations that you normally wouldn’t or thrust yourself into positions where you have to speak in public.)

Now that you have set a goal and decided how you are going to achieve it, it is time to wake up. When you wake up you will remember everything you have thought during this session and feel motivated to turn these thoughts into action.

At the count of ten you will wake up fresh and alert and ready to achieve your goals.

1…Waking up.
4…Eyes beginning to flutter open.
7…Eyes open now.
9…Aware of your surroundings.
10… Fully wide awake.

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1 comment:

  1. Hypno360°
    Grace à Hypno360°, ça change ! Avec les nouvelles technologies, il est désormais possible de s’hypnotiser soi-même sans risque. L’hypnothérapeute enregistre toute une séance sur support audio et la distribue. En l'écoutant, vous pourrez être induit(e) en transe hypnotique, bénéficier de la séance d’hypnose et sortir de la transe, le tout depuis chez vous. Considérez Hypno360° comme une véritable innovation dans le milieu.
