Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Hypnosis to Reduce Stress

“Download This Exclusive Report On Underground Covert Hypnosis Techniques & Become A Master Of Persuasion – Click Here Now”

All of us experience stress in our lives. Only the intensity and degree varies from person to person. It could vary from a mild nervousness to a complete panic attack.

Excessive stress can also result in high blood pressure, stroke and heart related diseases. Drugs can give you temporary relief but to destroy the roots of stress, the internal conflict has to be taken care of. Hypnosis can help alleviate the basic strain and tension.

When stress carries on for weeks and even months, it can have an adverse effect on your psychological and emotional quotient. We begin to fall ill more often and start getting anxiety attacks. It is at this stage that we need to seek external help. Hypnosis can be a brilliant method to deal with stress.

In the hypnotic state, we are in a trance and because of the nature of the state we use our dreams as an outlet to let out our frustrations and the day’s stresses. The excess load that is stored in our minds in the form of inputs is relieved in this state.

During these sessions, the hypnotherapist will talk to your mind and provide hints in order to train your mind to let go of fear, guilt and remorse. The mind will also learn to develop means to cope with stress and react more positively and also learn to take it in to the system.

While in a hypnotic state, the subconscious level is targeted. Confidence building talk and inspirational encouragement is provided which goes a long way in imbibing new values and beliefs. You will be able to envisage and think without any stress. The new suggestions and images introduced during hypnosis will lay the foundation to relieve stress in the long run. You will be able to lead a happier and healthier life after these hypnotic sessions.

If you are not able to approach a hypnotherapist, self hypnosis is also a practical option. However, you may not be able to go in to a really deep hypnotic state. But you can practice it more often and undertake it in a number of sessions in order to absorb the suggestions quickly.

Take action early before your stress levels create mayhem to your personal and professional life. In order to transform your life and eradicate stress and anxiety, take the assistance of a certified hypnotherapist and use hypnosis as a coping mechanism.

Source: http://www.inductiontohypnosis.com/hypnosis/hypnosis-to-reduce-stress/

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Hypnosis To End Procrastination

“Download This Exclusive Report On Underground Covert Hypnosis Techniques & Become A Master Of Persuasion – Click Here Now”

Procrastination is a serious problem that can ruin both personal and professional life of an individual but hypnosis can address the problem at the root level and help overcome by building self-belief and boosting confidence thus helping the person to lead a normal life.

Procrastination is a common problem that has been faced by all of us at some point of life or the other and in simplest terms is referred to the counter-productive deferring of scheduled tasks to a later time. This kind of behaviour is often associated with anxiety and fear for the mechanism of coping to complete the task in time and this leads to serious complication in day to day professional life and the individual tends to suffer for it.

Hypnosis has been known to treat procrastination will success as it has been seen that it results in severe depression, an overwhelming sense of guilt and a severe mental crisis and a poor sense of personal esteem as it automatically leads to social disapproval for not being able to deal with responsibilities and commitments!

Hypnosis can be used to increase personal productivity and treat procrastination, as the causes of it can be anything from psychological to even physiological in some case. The psychological causes may vary greatly from person to person and can be extremely deep-seated for some person.

It may be a result of any unpleasant experience in life that has given rise to feeling of low esteem or a self-defeating mentality. In some cases procrastination is also associated with a sense of perfectionism which ultimately gives rise to the fear and stops him from performing. Hypnosis can be successfully used to build confidence and thus help him get rid of the problems.

Studies have shown that damage or low activation in the prefrontal cortex of the brain often results in poorer organization and less attention and thus results in procrastination. Hypnosis works on the root causes causing it. It will help you develop and improve esteem in yourself.

You can be productive and fearless and your mind set will gradually change and it will impart in you a more winning mind set which give you a new confidence in you. Also it will help you to come to terms with your real self and will encourage you to set realistic goals and you can be more positive and set realistic goals for yourself. Once you start setting specific, measurable and achievable goals you which you can accomplish in a certain time frame, you whole attitude will change.

Hypnosis will encourage the subject to consider the tasks allotted to be broken down into smaller achievable tasks which will be easier to accomplish. It will give you the power to build up your self-belief and confidence and over the barriers that hold you back from achieving your goals.

Source: http://www.inductiontohypnosis.com/hypnosis/hypnosis-to-end-procrastination/

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Monday, March 14, 2011

NLP Has 4 Areas Of Key Activities

To make sense out of the mish-mash of NLP-related material you will go through, you’ll find it useful to categorize the areas of activities tied to NLP. This article will be very short and to the point but nevertheless one of the most important I will post. The distinctions you learn in this one will [...]

Source: http://www.howtomasternlp.com/nlp-articles/nlp-has-4-areas-of-key-activities

mind nlp

How to Hypnotize Several Subjects At The Same Time

There are different ways to hypnotize several subjects at the same time. Below, I will show you one simple technique to experience group hypnosis.

First, ask those subjects to sit in a semicircle. Stay in front of them so that they all could see you well. Ask them to stare at you. You must stay in a such position that you could see everyone and each subject should think that you look exactly at him (her). Ask the whole group to lay down and tightly clench their hands. Tell them that when you count to three, they will not be able to separate their hands. Start counting: “One… Two … Three … ” Say quickly: “Now you can not separate your hands.” Sure, all of these must be done fast and with a hypnotic voice.

If you want to enter all of them in a trance at the same time, then you should stand in front of them, ask them to close their eyes and think of dreaming or how nice the dreaming is. Then make this suggestion several times: “Close your eyes, think about the sleep … Your head becomes heavier … You’ll sleep tightly… All parts of your body get heavier … You are calm … Your eyes are closed … You sleep tightly … tightly sleep…

Now, you can make your desired suggestion. If you want all of them laugh, then you can say: “When you open your eyes, you will see that something very funny has happened. You will all laugh … The more you try to stop laughing, the stronger you will laugh.” Ask them: “Open your eyes“. Say something funny and start to laugh yourself. Then go to anyone who has not opened his eyes and ask to open them.

That is it. Group hypnosis is mainly used in stage hypnosis. You can also use it for fun, too.

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Other Cool Hypnosis:

  1. Second Version of Hands Closing Together Technique
  2. How to Hypnotize Your Parents and Get Advantages
  3. How To Hypnotize Unwilling Subjects Easily
  4. How to Wake Up Someone From Trance
  5. Rapid Inductions and How to Master Them

Source: http://www.hypnosisblacksecrets.com/how-to-hypnotize/group-hypnosis

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Sunday, March 13, 2011

Recording Audio For Hypnosis

Creating Professional Spoken-Word CDs & MP3sA lot of people ask me about the technical aspects of making hypnosis CDs and MP3s. “What microphone do you use? How do you mix the background music with the voice? Where do you get good music?” Being a former audio engineer (maybe you didn’t know that), it’s something that comes pretty easily to me. And with today’s computer technology, it’s easier than ever.

If You Don’t Know How To Do It, It Can Be Tough

But if you don’t know how, it’s tough. Most people don’t know much about audio. More than one acquaintance of mine has tried to make a recording by playing music on a boom box while recording their voice on their computer and depending on the mic to pick up the background music. Trust me, that’s not going to sound professional.

I Can Teach You How & Make It Easy!

Once you know how, creating a recording is very much like using a word processor. You can cut your mistakes out. You can copy and paste audio. You can fade music in and out. Everything can be clean and professional sounding. There are even free programs that can help you do it.

Since I get so many questions on the subject, I thought I’d put together a program that shows how to do it. It’s called Creating Professional Spoken-Word CDs & MP3s.

I used to teach audio engineering at the college level. I know how recording works and how to explain it to regular folks. So, plop the DVD into your computer and let the video tutorials I made will take you by the hand and lead you through how to make your own spoken-word recordings.

Creating Professional Spoken-Word CDs & MP3s

  • What gear to get
  • How to record your voice
  • How to edit mistakes
  • How to add music
  • Royalty free music
  • How to mix the voice and music for a final track
  • How to burn a CD or create an MP3
  • How to get free artwork
  • How to CDs manufactured and shipped for you
  • A resource guide
  • And How Do You Find Music?

    You can’t take your favorite recording and use it as background music for a hypnosis CD you’re going to sell. It’s not legal!. You have to have rights to the music. You can contact the artist and ask for the rights or you can use what’s called “royalty free” music. There’s lots of royalty free music out there. It’s being produced for use in TV commercials, internet ads, radio spots, etc. Of course, it’s generally much more expensive that downloading a track from iTunes. But the biggest problem is that it’s hard to find music that’s long enough! Most royalty free music is sold in lengths of 15, 30 and 60 seconds. Finding 45 minutes of music to have on your hypnosis program is not too easy.

    This Program Includes Royalty Free Music!

    I’ve provided some royalty free music for you to get started. The program comes on a DVD that plops in to your computer and it includes several royalty free cuts. Just copy and paste the music onto your computer and you’re ready to start adding music.

    If you have hypnosis or NLP knowledge and want to help more people, make more money or just make recordings that make you sound like a pro, Creating Professional Spoken-Word CDs & MP3s will show you how. Check it out here.

    This entry was posted in Hypnosis Tips. Bookmark the permalink.

    Source: http://www.hypnosis101.com/wordpress/hypnosis-tips/recording-audio-for-hypnosis/

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    Reader Question: How Do You Know If An Association Is Linguistic Or Sensory?

    Javi just sent me an email asking me to comment on that. He read my exchange with Fatih in a previous article (you’ll find it in the comment section) that resulted in Fatih resolving an issue he’d been struggling with for some time, on which he’d spent serious time and cash. During the exchange, I [...]

    Source: http://www.howtomasternlp.com/nlp-articles/reader-question-how-do-you-if-an-association-is-linguistic-or-sensory

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